Thursday, April 28, 2011

Last day of class

So, 4pm, last lesson in USC.
Had to make a presentation but it was one of those chill ones.
Do I have any thoughts or feelings?
Nah, not really. Lessons were not a big part of life here.
I mean, sure, I attended like 50% of the classes, but it was always the bare minimum.
Know what would really make me sad?
Last day of exams.
Cos THATS when I have to move out, feel like a nomad, and say goodbye to my roomies.
My roomies, man, it's been such a wild ride.
More about that when I actually say bye.
In fact, I should start saying bye now, cos they'll hardly be around for the remaining study weeks.
All torn up inside
Being sociable sucks.
You form meaningful connections, only to have to say goodbye eventually.
Should just stick to anti-socialness.
Less heartache.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

23 Apr- American football

Football is a game I will never understand.
I don't know how they score points, and the game moves so slowly, yet people get so excited.
By slowly, I mean whenever someone gets tackled, they have to start from there and idk do what.
Was expecting some thrilling game, tsk, disappointed only.
Nice stadium and field though

Supporters were mostly decked in USC colours, red and yellow!
A Trojan on the USC mascot, the horse. Its real and has a name but I forgot what.
During football season in the summer, at every game, the Trojan will ride the horse out for a lap around the field. Kinda cool.

Although the game was just one big question mark for me, it was still cool to soak in the atmosphere.
Like, the locals were very enthu and there was a strong sense of school spirit.
It was great to just sit there and feel that sense of belonging to the Trojans.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


My biggest accomplishment so far

The remarkable thing is, I did everything myself!
From the buying of ingredients, to the chopping, to the actual boiling and cooking.
No help from anyone!
And its the prettiest-looking food I've ever created.
Granted, it's no gourmet food and relatively easy to make.
But this is such a beeeeeeeg improvement from my other hawker-centre style ugliness.
Swelled with pride for a day!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Random Chinese food

Own cooking

Century egg porridge, which I dont appreciate but everyone else seems to have a craving for.

Shrimp chee cheong fun, which is so cheap here. If you wanna get chee cheong fun with shrimps in Sg, HA, expect to pay lots more.

You tiao!

Of cos, all these were only available at a Chinese supermart, not all around LA.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Smoking! without smoke

Another first for me today.
So me, roomie and her bf just chilled around the apt.
He pulled out this box and asked if I wanted a dip.
My definitions of dip are: going into the pool for a dip, and a sauce meant to complement chips.
Obviously, he wasnt referring to either.
Turns out to be dipping tobacco.

Its a smokeless tobacco, where you put a pouch in your mouth and let your saliva dissolve the thingy in the packet. Then there'll be liquid, but you cant swallow cos it'll burn your throat. So you have to constantly spit out the liquid.
Kinda reminds me of betel chewing, but dipping doesnt leave a stain and its not a nut.
Anw, tried it, and it is fucking potent.
I've never smoked before, so idk if this is what smoking feels like.
But just 20secs of that thing in my mouth, and hello spinning room.
Its supposed to give you a 20min 'buzz' ie high.
And baseball players actually chew on that during a game.
I have no idea how they can play under such 'spinning room' conditions.
Got the drunken feeling.
Or maybe Im just really lousy but yeah, instant high.
Dip is more of an American and Canadian thing.
I for one, havent seen such stuff around Singapore.
And if you google dip, you'll realise that its pretty harmful to health too!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

9-10 April- Vegas againnn

Oopsies, lack of updates.
So, headed to Vegas for the 2nd time.

I must say, its really a different feel.
First time round, it was like WHOA WOW WHOOOO.
Second time round, its more of a quiet enjoyment of the familiarity.
And it was better, cos traffic wasnt as bad as the previous time, and weather wasnt as cold.
Vegas is still full of impatient and bad drivers though.
Or maybe theyre just all drunk.
Of cos, not everything was familiar.
New things include:
Pole dancers

Dont know how we missed that the first time round.

Jello shots, of which I have no photos.

Alcohol in jelly! Tastes WAY better than shots, but WAY more dangerous too. Cos the sweetness masks the alcohol taste, you think youre not drinking that much, but actually you are.

2litre margarita

Again, another sweet drink, could barely taste the alcohol. But y'know what, its actually v concentrated. No surprise there, my cheeks flushed up and didnt take me long to get all woozy.

Mindless gambling on the mindless jackpot machine

Dont ever play jackpot. Its soooo mindless.

And so basically, thats it.
During the day, all we did were sleep in, shop and eat buffets.
Vegas is really an artificial place.
It cuts you off from reality and encourages you to sin.
Cant imagine being a resident there.
Only The Strip is all lighted up and 'pretty'.
Once youre away from the lights, the streets of Vegas are pretty much dark, scary and shady.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I know I promised to stop uploading (ugly) photos of food.
But I must share this latest joy!
Fishball noodles! Look out for the tau gay!

Emphasis on FISHBALLS. And take a look at the Chinese kind of mushrooms.
Yeah man, we actually found fishballs in LA.
So coooooooooolios.
Fishball soup with TOFU.

Actually, the fishballs taste different. Taste more like sotong balls.
But wtv, Im happy with sotong balls too.
And this is why I dont miss Singapore food at all.
The food we cook is mostly Chinese and enough to satisfy me.
Really surprised because I expected myself to be missing Singapore food damn badly but no, not happening.
Truth is, I have secret cravings for Western food.
Too bad I dunno how to make them except for pasta.