Tuesday, February 22, 2011

18 Feb- Seattle Day 1 Shoppppppppping

Journeyed to Seattle.
First domestic flight, where we had to go through the TSA body scanner.
For the clueless, the body scanner is the one that has been making the news for being toooooo invasive.
Well, it didnt really bother me that much.
First thing we did upon arrival, rent a car!

Cos there were 8 of us this time round, we rented a big-ass 7 seater SUV.
The interior was really spacious, compared to our current one.
But driving it is no easy feat, cos its long AND wide.
And the engine wasnt that good and blah blah blah, but we still survived.
By the time we reached, it was late afternoon.
What better way to spend the remainder of the day, than shopping!

PREMIUM outlets lehh. So atas. Like 90+ shops around,
Because of the public holiday that was going on, there were fantastic sales around.
Factory outlet prices were already about 50% cheaper.
Can you imagine, even more 25-75% discounts going on??
Needless to say, spending spree.
I had intentionally brought damn little clothes to the US, so that I would be able to justify the shopping.
Heh heh heh.
Only blip in the day: the outlets close wayyy tooo earlyyy
9pm sharp!
And how could I forget, the cold!
Which Seattle is famous for.
But when you shop, you tend to forget the cold, and walk around in 3degrees in a t-shirt willingly.

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