Monday, February 7, 2011

6 Feb- Napa Valley

Napa Valley is like this vineyard place where there are alot of wine makers.

Since I wasnt interested in the wine tour (hello, I dont really care how wine is made, boring much...), I 'was allowed' to drive around while waiting for the other 2.
Totally more confident of driving alrdy, still cant parallel park though.
So me and hr just randomly went around taking photos.

Anw, we visited this place called the Old Faithful Geyser.
Feel that its a scam.

It spurts water out at regular intervals.
And the surroundings were really cui.
They just put some lame llamas around for 'deco'

The California one is like fake.
FIsherman's Wharf for lunch. Super fresh seafood. But the smell of fresh seafood is pretty gross. And the place was pretty dirty.
Well, guess Singaporeans arent the only ones who dont really care about hygiene as long as there's yummy food.
Got to cross the Golden Gate Bridge.
Last time we were here, we just took photos from some other point.

Noteworthy point: The last time we drove back to LA, it took 10 fucking hours!
Imagine the butt ache.
This time round, around 5+ hours! No break in between!
Still got butt ache but less so,
Kudos to yx again!

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