Sunday, June 5, 2011

No more USA!
Byebye blog, returning back to my old site!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

4 hours to go!!
Most of the day was spent settling admin stuff.
Closed my bank account, where they returned me more money than they should have.
Well, their loss buahahaha!!
Sold textbook, so glad to get some money back!
Took in the last sights of the mountains along the freeway.
Mountains, have taken them for granted all this while.
Dunno when I'll get to see them again.
Ok, just anticipating a rough 13hour flight later.
Taiwannnn, here I come!!

20 hours to departure

Last night in LA!!
Putting up at friend's place, highly uncomfortable, not planning to sleep.
Listening to their snores now...
Hmmmmmmmm so the time to leave has come..
In less than 24 hours, I will be on a plane, headed towards Taiwan.
No more carefree life, where I only have to account to myself.
No more cooking sessions, where I dont have to worry about dirtying the kitchen.
No more last min studying, where I start studying only a couple hours before the test.
No more car, which made every place accessible.
No more road trips, no more insane gas prices, no more on-the-spur drinking sessions, no more getting teased for using the words 'queue', 'rubbish', 'lift' etc..
(Fyi, the correct American way is to say 'line', 'trash' and 'elevator' respectively.)
I could come up with a list of 100 'No more ...'
But, whats the point.
Just a reminder of what I'm leaving behind.

Monday, May 16, 2011

15 May- Las Vegas

And for the third time, we found ourselves in Vegas again.
I swear I dont have to come back to this place ever again.
So familiar with everything already.
Anw, had a super super filling seafood buffet.
I really hate buffets, always overeat. Had to make myself puke to feel better.
Defining moment of this Vegas trip:

The winning machine

Super apt name. Funny story really.
I was really bored, so I just stuck a dollar into the machine.
Randomly pressed some buttons, and the thing just started spinning and spinning and spinning. I didn't even press anything else, and just stared at my credits going up up up.
Didnt know what was going on at all, and almost left halfway cos I thought it was game over, seeing how the thing kept spinning automatically.
Luckily, hr stopped me. And when I cashed out, I thought it would be $4 something.
Instead, it was $48!!
Thats a 4863% return on my 'investment'!!
Turns out, it was because I luckily earned bonus spins on my first spin, and I had bet quite high, and kept getting the winning combinations, thats why the $$ kept increasing.
Pure dumb luck!!!!
Won another $4 after that and decided to quit while I was winning.
Downed more shots and margaritas. Last time drinking in the US. Really hate their drinking age requirement. Verrrrry restrictive!!
Still, most rewarding Vegas trip everrrrrr.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

13 May- Yellowstone

Last road trip in the US, and last National Park.
I've seen enough rocks, mountains, snow and lakes to last me a lifetime.
No more no more!
Yellowstone is rated the best NP in the US.
Full of geysers and wildlife.
Most famous, Old Faithful geyser. Strong smell of sulphur.

Spring water, looks so clear blue and inviting.

BUT, the water is frigging hot, around 70degrees if Im not wrong.
So pls do not jump in.
Lots of wildlife along the way. Most common animal, the bison.

They are just so indifferent, happily strolling along the roads or munching on grass by the roadside.
Everytime traffic got bad, you could be sure that it was due to animal obstruction.
Still, they're pretty cute.
Spotted deer and a wolf too.
Unfortunately, no bears :( Must still be hibernating.
More cool geysers. These give off a really mysterious feel.

Almost like a scene of destruction.
Yellowstone is actually a pretty dangerous place, cos you never know when the geysers or volcanoes will blow up.
The orange is caused by bacteria!

Have really gotten in touch with nature these past few months.
Overdosed, in fact.
Or maybe, taking all these for granted.
Wait till I get back to Singapore, where its all buildings and buildings, then I'll start missing those scenery.
But for now, had enough of NPs tyvm!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

So disgusted at the amount of stuff I have.
All my luggages seem ready to burst.
And this is before Taiwan.
Should have bought more luggages ARGHHHHHHH!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Packing! Cum a lil bit of studying.
Tonight will be the last night at my apartment.
Tmr is move-out day.
Suppressing the sadness and staying cheerful :)
