Saturday, May 14, 2011

13 May- Yellowstone

Last road trip in the US, and last National Park.
I've seen enough rocks, mountains, snow and lakes to last me a lifetime.
No more no more!
Yellowstone is rated the best NP in the US.
Full of geysers and wildlife.
Most famous, Old Faithful geyser. Strong smell of sulphur.

Spring water, looks so clear blue and inviting.

BUT, the water is frigging hot, around 70degrees if Im not wrong.
So pls do not jump in.
Lots of wildlife along the way. Most common animal, the bison.

They are just so indifferent, happily strolling along the roads or munching on grass by the roadside.
Everytime traffic got bad, you could be sure that it was due to animal obstruction.
Still, they're pretty cute.
Spotted deer and a wolf too.
Unfortunately, no bears :( Must still be hibernating.
More cool geysers. These give off a really mysterious feel.

Almost like a scene of destruction.
Yellowstone is actually a pretty dangerous place, cos you never know when the geysers or volcanoes will blow up.
The orange is caused by bacteria!

Have really gotten in touch with nature these past few months.
Overdosed, in fact.
Or maybe, taking all these for granted.
Wait till I get back to Singapore, where its all buildings and buildings, then I'll start missing those scenery.
But for now, had enough of NPs tyvm!

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