Sunday, May 1, 2011

29-30 Apr- Yosemite

Boredom took us to Yosemite again.
Lets see, I'll just skip to interesting bits.
Lotsa big big trees.
Here's a really ginormous uprooted tree.

Those are the roots of the tree. See how small I am, compared to the base of the tree..

Several waterfalls

Greedy squirrel eating a fry

Random deer along the way. It is possible to kill them if they dash out onto the road suddenly.

Next day, Mammoth Mountain!
A ski resort, snow-covered.

Took a cable car ride all the way to the peak. They call it a gondola. Yeah I know, gondola is supposed to be that lil romantic boat ride on the rivers of Venice. But nah, cable car is far from romantic. Its shaky, but offers breathtaking view.

Also, you get to see the pro skiers skiing down STEEP AS HELL slopes with ease.
They make it look like its nothing.
Even little kids were happily ski ski skiing down.
To us Singaporeans, we were like, even if we roll down the slopes, the snow will snowball us and we'll still crash and die.
At the peak of the mountain,

Took a photo with random strangers cos they looked so cool.

On the way down

Aaaaaaaaaaand, ending off with food.
Shrimp scampi. The shrimps were REALLY HUGE.

For a better comparison..

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