Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2 May- Bacaro LA

The last official event for exchange students, held at Bacaro LA, a wine bar.
All you can eat, all you can drink, for ONLY $5!!!
Super good deal. On the face of it.
Food, mediocre. Potato slices (nice), bread (bread is bread lor), and bloody beef (I don't like to see blood on my meat! There's a reason I don't eat steak.)

But the name wine bar...what a joke, the wine sucked so bad!!
Surprisingly, the beer, wow, so smooth.
The owner underestimated us though.
He thought 2 kegs would be more than enough.
But barely 2hours in, we ran out of beer zzz.
Singaporeans YAM SENGing.

Got wasted again.
My SMU girl buddies, kept me safe from harm (and by harm I mean the guy prowlers who were obviously preying on drunk girls. Saw many girls hugging and kissing random guys)

These 2 were constantly sitting by my side, and walked me back to my apt, listened to my rambling nonsense for hours and put me to bed. Best of all, they left a plastic bag by my side, which CAME IN SO HANDY. Y'know, so that I'll puke into the bag instead of on the carpet. Imagine how gross it is, cleaning puke off the carpet. Ew. Still, some puke got on the carpet oops.
But whatever, I am sooo sooo sooo grateful to them.
Also, very grateful to my liver. It has improved, I dont puke so readily anymore. There was this guy, locked up and puking away in the bar's toilet for 30mins.
He will forever be remembered as a loser. Humiliating.
Anyway, looking pretty much damn gross and contorted in most photos sighh.

I don't even know who this guy is...

Great night at a really great price. No better way to end it.
However, the hangovers are never great :(
If mom ever knew about this, her conservative heart sure cannot take it.

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