Monday, May 9, 2011

9 May- X Factor

Attended my first live show in the US, X Factor!

We arrived late, so had to wait outside for pretty long, waiting for the people inside to open up more seats.
Almost didnt make it in.
By the time we got in, show had started.
And lets just say, being a live audience and watching it on TV are really different.
The show progresses much slower, and your seating is very important.
Half hour in, I was already bored.
The judges were making too much small talk with the contestants.
Plus, its a singing competition.
Songs alone dont really keep me interested for very long unless its accompanied by mad dance moves.
Simon Cowell, Chery Cole, Paula Abdul and LA Reid. Thats a really gay guy on the stage. Loud colours, bad voice and awful dance moves. Boooooooooooo!!

Simon was being his usual self, but it gets old after awhile.
The rest of the judges were not memorable.
Left the show early.
This is the second time I've been disappointed by live tapings.
First time was in Taiwan.
My advice, just watch it on TV.
You can see everything thats going on, and you get to skip the boring parts!

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