Thursday, April 28, 2011

Last day of class

So, 4pm, last lesson in USC.
Had to make a presentation but it was one of those chill ones.
Do I have any thoughts or feelings?
Nah, not really. Lessons were not a big part of life here.
I mean, sure, I attended like 50% of the classes, but it was always the bare minimum.
Know what would really make me sad?
Last day of exams.
Cos THATS when I have to move out, feel like a nomad, and say goodbye to my roomies.
My roomies, man, it's been such a wild ride.
More about that when I actually say bye.
In fact, I should start saying bye now, cos they'll hardly be around for the remaining study weeks.
All torn up inside
Being sociable sucks.
You form meaningful connections, only to have to say goodbye eventually.
Should just stick to anti-socialness.
Less heartache.

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