Friday, April 15, 2011

Smoking! without smoke

Another first for me today.
So me, roomie and her bf just chilled around the apt.
He pulled out this box and asked if I wanted a dip.
My definitions of dip are: going into the pool for a dip, and a sauce meant to complement chips.
Obviously, he wasnt referring to either.
Turns out to be dipping tobacco.

Its a smokeless tobacco, where you put a pouch in your mouth and let your saliva dissolve the thingy in the packet. Then there'll be liquid, but you cant swallow cos it'll burn your throat. So you have to constantly spit out the liquid.
Kinda reminds me of betel chewing, but dipping doesnt leave a stain and its not a nut.
Anw, tried it, and it is fucking potent.
I've never smoked before, so idk if this is what smoking feels like.
But just 20secs of that thing in my mouth, and hello spinning room.
Its supposed to give you a 20min 'buzz' ie high.
And baseball players actually chew on that during a game.
I have no idea how they can play under such 'spinning room' conditions.
Got the drunken feeling.
Or maybe Im just really lousy but yeah, instant high.
Dip is more of an American and Canadian thing.
I for one, havent seen such stuff around Singapore.
And if you google dip, you'll realise that its pretty harmful to health too!!

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