Saturday, January 15, 2011

15 Jan- Death Valley

Spent an eventful night in the haunted hotel. Apparently, some of them felt spooky presences. But I sure didnt. All I felt was me tossing and turning alot and occasional drooling oops.
Started off with breakfast! That fried thingy there is hashbrown btw. Unlike the Singapore version. Shared the breakfast cos it was huge again.

The hotel surroundings in the day.

Not as spooky anymore! But still looks a lil godforsaken.

More driving again.
Death Valley is a huge mountainous/desert/sandy National Park, with many different scenic points. Driving within Death Valley itself is already quite long. Can take up to 40mins to get from one viewing point to another.
First up was random stopping by the road to take random shots.

Dont be fooled by the sun. It was still quite cold due to the winds.
So the first proper viewing point was the sand dunes area.

Basically, it was just alot of sand.
Walking on sand is really tiring.

Next up was a much cooler place.
The crater!

Climbing up the side of the crater to get a better view.
Very long and mildly steep.
Very tiring too, if you havent been exercising, like me.

Can you spot yx??

Then it was Scotty's Castle for a potty break.
The story goes that Scotty was a gay conman trying to cheat some rich guy out of this castle.
Dunno much about it but we didnt stay long anw.

This upcoming one was really breathtaking.

Its something like a lake with alot of salt and minerals.
Along the way, we spotted white stuff.
Funny thing was, only a small part of the area was dotted with the white stuff.
Snow or salt? No idea..

Maybe dope.
Next, Devil's Golf Course. Cool name there.

Just super hard salt rock formations.
Tripping and falling on it is no joke.
Lastly, back to Badwater for sunset.
The place isnt as silent as at night.
But ok fine, this time round, you can actually see the water.

Up till that point of time, which was around 6pm, we had only eaten breakfast!!
Theres just no food around Death Valley.
So we were all starving and just dying for food.
Had to put up with another hour's of drive to get food.
At ulu place again.
Totally like those cowboy kind of diner.

Fish Tacos.

I am now officially a raw vegetables eater.
Americans simply do not like to cook their veggies.
Olives still suck though

1 comment:

  1. Hihi Oggy! :-)
    Breakfast looks BIG and GOOD!! The fried thing looks like rosti to me hahahaha and waah some HUGE mountains there O.O
    Enjoying raw veggies, RABBIT?? :B
