Saturday, January 22, 2011

21-22Jan- San Diego again

So it was back to San Diego this weekend.
We had not explored much during the last visit.
This time round, it felt like am all-expenses-paid trip.
We tagged along to visit Chen Dan's dad's friend. Lets call him Mr D.
Anw, hes a rich Chinese guy with a business in SD.
Visited his factory and office premises.
Not Shenton Way impressive, more like Industrial Park impressive.
He paid for our hotel stay, got people to drive us around to wherever we wanted to, invited us to those 10-course meal Chinese dinners.
His house is really big. And only 2 people live in it currently.

The display kitchen. They have 2 kitchens, 1 for show, 1 for actual cooking lol.

The display dining room. Again, very pretty.

Its not like their house is a mansion, but its definitely not your average American home either.
He owns like 2 or 3 Jaguars and 1 vintage car.
We got a ride in his Jaguar, so sleek ttm.
We were invited to a Chinese dinner he was hosting, wah, totally good food.
10 course meal.
Although the other guests were old people, who cares, there was expensive Chinese food to occupy us.
Since its inconvenient to get around without a car in SD, he got his secretary to drive us around the next day.
Its just in the Chinese blood to play good host.

Breakfast the next day. DIY waffle.

Not very nice tasting though.
Shortly after that, the secretary picked us up and took us to lunch.
Dimsum lunch!

Frankly, I was exploding from food, but who can resist dim sum.
Then we just went sightseeing.
hotel Coronado, some pretty hotel I guess.

Super old-school elevator in the hotel

Next up, Balboa park

Random cute dogs

Lastly, Seaport Village.
The place is something like a tribute to sailors and navymen who died in some event.
Some military thingy

Passionate kissing of a scuplture

Couple in the background was making out for very long. Only managed to get a shot of hugging :(

Dinner was another pretty grand affair.
VIP was the Consul General of China, who was in town for talks with Obama.

The whole thing was very Chinese. For a moment there, it felt like I wasnt in the US anymore.
Mr Du is like some big shot in the SD Chinese community.
All the auspicious red decorations.

The Consul General bigshot

Big plate of chicken. Some guy actually ate the head yuck.

Sweet and sour pork. Missed the sweet and sour taste!!!

And my all-time favourite, fried rice! Look at the shrimp!

2 consecutive days of expensive Chinese food. Almost heaven.
2 consecutive days of luxury cars. Jealous much.
Jaguar, BMW (is that luxury? I dont really know), Mercedes, Lexus.
All with really spacious interiors.
If only our car could somehow magically transform itself...

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