Wednesday, March 16, 2011

11 March- Wall Street + Staten Ferry + Broadway!

Luckily, rain stopped after breakfast. Makes it much easier to walk around and take in the sights.
NY is a really walkable place, unlike LA, where driving is the only way to get around.
Pace of life in NY is visibly faster than LA too.
New Yorkers walk really fast, with tinges of impatience in their footsteps.
Our hotel was super close to the famous Wall Street, so first stop, Wall St!

New York Stock Exchange building. The place is actually quite heavily guarded, with cordons around the entrances. And there were stores selling branded goods all around the building. Almost as if they were lying in wait for the next guy who just made a fortune off the stock market to walk in and splurge.

Trump building. There are so many Trump buildings around NY. This is just the first one we saw. Its like he owns the city or smth.
Anw, his buildings are all so grand looking. Filthy rich old man.

Another highlight of the financial district..

Seriously, Wall St is all about big imposing buildings and $$$.
For something non-$$$ related, the Wall St bull!
Super crowded with tourists.

Why grab a bull by its horns, when you can grab it by its balls?

The bull has really big balls.
A common sight in NYC, street food carts! They can be seen all around, and sell mostly the same stuff.

From land to water, we took the Staten Ferry next.

The ferry ride was totally free, and offered a view of the Brooklyn Bridge...

....and the Statue of Liberty. Lol with a lousy camera, you cant really zoom.

Nighttime, headed to Broadway for our first Broadway show, Phantom of the Opera.
Im not someone who knows how to appreciate music and the arts, however, I've always had a thing for POTO. Love the music.
Many theatres along Broadway, with long snaking queues. POTO was no exception, but luckily, the queue moves fast.
Ours was at Majestic Theatre, one of the oldest theatres around.
Interior of the theatre before the show started. Its damn hard to take decent photos in the dark!

Box seats, which we were so not at.

A really moving musical. Love the music even more now. The whole thing just gets better and better towards the end. No regrets at all!
Times Square for supper after that. I love Times Square. All the lights.
..billboards...people.. Never thought I would ever get the chance to experience the Times Square scene at night. Thats what NYC is all about.

Although it was a really chilly night, I was so awestruck that the cold didn't really get to me. More on Times Square next time! Gonna head back there for better photos.

Random shot of the day: Street of NYC, which looks like the one where Spiderman swings through in the movie.

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