Monday, March 28, 2011

26 March- Grand Canyon

Pretty sure that everyone has heard of the Grand Canyon before.
Went there with high expectations, wasn't disappointed.
However, wasn't entirely overwhelmed either. Death Valley just seems better.
If you ever have to choose between Death Valley and Grand Canyon, please choose the former.
So anw, scenery!
The day was kinda cloudy, hence the gloomy feel.

In one day alone, we experienced rain, snow and hail. Not forgetting, really really strong winds.
That's how PMS-y the weather was.
Thankfully, it was tiny hail. Looks abit like styrofoam.

Grand Canyon with sunlight

Basically after awhile, they all look the same.
Rocks with red tints.
Maybe cos we were limited to the South Rim view only.
Fyi, there are North and West rims, so maybe the view would have been different from there.
Anyway, gotta bitch about the wind.
The wind chill itself was enough to bring the temperature to sub zero.
My fingers were as frozen as that time in the snow.
Next day on the drive back, we experienced fog.
Fog, another dangerous thing.
How to drive when you cant see ahead.
Thankfully, it lasted for a pretty short stretch only.
In summer, people die of heat stroke.
In the wind, people die of stroke. 中风,cos all the wind just blows into your head and numbs your face.
Fave group shot!

Random note, gas prices in the ulu Grand Canyon is actually cheaper than in LA!
Maybe cos of the lower tax. A whole dollar lesss leh!!
But dunno why theres still this sign at one of the gas stations.

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