Tuesday, March 22, 2011

20 March- Brooklyn

So after days and days of Manhattan, we were down to our last day in NYC.
Time to explore the not-so-exciting Brooklyn!
By then, my legs were totally sore.
Blistered and aching from extensive usage.
But the pain aint gonna keep me down!

That's Brooklyn for you.
Far cry from Manhattan. No skyscrapers, no crowds.
Imagine this place at night.

Really dark and quiet. Street lamps are ok but it doesnt change the fact that you're alone.
Thats the kind of street I was walking home alone in that night. Very very very scary. Highly NOT recommended for anyone!
Anw, nothing much, just walked around, noticed that Brooklyn has a much slower pace of life.
Sure, people still jaywalk, but the speed of walking is slower, and there are actually families out chillaxing together. In Manhattan, its all rush rush rush.
Lunner again, famous pizza.

As with all famous food, long queue! This time round, it took about 40mins.

Great pizza, especially when hot!
Last evening in NYC, what's left to do?
Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge, on foot!

Bad traffic below us during peak hour.

View of the Manhattan Bridge. Kinda looks like the Brooklyn Bridge..

Aand that's Manhattan for you!

In conclusion, walked and ate alot. I have discovered the secret to getting rid of constipation. WALKING! I had no bowel problems AT ALL during those days of intense walking. It was the yinghui style of everyday excretion. Fabulous feeling. At the end of it all, felt like legs were gonna drop off.
But New York City is just worth every ounce of pain.

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