Thursday, December 23, 2010

23 Dec- First road trip!!

Still stuck in LA.
Interesting fact, our hostel was located right opposite a Gay Lesbian building thingy.

Colourful flags, official colour(s) of the gay lesbian community? Idk..
Anw to drive, we had to get a Californian driving license.
Went down to the driving test place.
This is what happened.
On the spot, they give you a booklet to study. Then you just take the test when youre ready. Have to be done within the day.
I totally passed the theory on the first try. After like 30mins of frantic flipping thru the book.
We were kinda on a time constraint.
And the test is handwritten MCQ, and manually marked on the spot.
Totally tyco, and not like I drive. Take for fun.
Temporary driving license issued!!

So we had to wait for yx to settle some car stuff. Meanwhile, the rest of us just explored LA.
LA is not as glamorous as how the movies portray it to be.
Kinda disappointed, but well, its still a new environment in the paranoid state of America.

Dirty streets of LA

Anw, the rest of the day was spent driving to San Francisco. Our very first road trip!
Everything was still exciting and fun.
First mountains we saw in US.
Was very fascinated by it.

Stopped by for our first lunch!!!
Haha today was a day of many FIRSTs.
However, first lunch was pretty pathetic.
Carl's Jr

Anw, road trip was really long, and by the time we reached San Fran, it was nightfall.
Had a hard time finding our apartment.
It was even colder in San Fran btw.
Cold and dark.

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