Monday, December 27, 2010

27 Dec- Skiing (sucks)

These 2 days have been the coldest period of my life.
Today, skiing.
A peanut butter and jelly sandwich to start off the day

I must be the world's worst skiier.
Out of the 5 of us, I fell the most times.
While the rest were getting the hang of it, I was struggling to move.
It was really the worst experience ever.
Kinda like ice skating, where I have no sense of balance.
And also where the lil kids around me were skiing pro-ly, and there I was, struggling to just take one step.
Really hate winter sports man.
We even signed up for beginner ski lessons.
And it was quite obvious that I was super lousy, cos the instructor kept teaching new moves, and let the others try the new moves. But he said it's good enough if I master how to stop.
Good news is, I eventually got the hang of it. Near the end of the lesson.
But by then, I was so tired. It is really really tiring if you are a beginner.
Firstly, the skis are really heavy. And as long as there's a slight incline, you can't ski up the slope.
The ski area was filled with tiny inclines.
So to get around, you have to do this slow method. Either that or take off the skiis and walk up.
Both were equally tiring.

I look happy right, cos I stopped skiing already.
And me, being super suay as usual, got my eye hit by a ski.
The guy was carrying the long ski on his shoulder, and swung his body. The ski connected with my eye and BAM. OW.
That thing Im holding with my right hand are the heavy as hell skis.

By the time we were ready to leave the ski place, it was frigging cold again.
When you ski, its like exercising, so you dont feel cold and may even sweat. But once you stop, the cold hits again.
By then, I was sick of snow. Snow is just like the ice you get at ice skating rinks and Snow City. no difference.
Unless you're in a hailstorm but that's a different story.
So anw, I've had enough of snow for the rest of my life.
Grossly overrated. There is nothing cool about making snow angels if you have to get your back frozen into an icicle to do it.
The cold is seriously unbearable.
Recently then I found out that the temperature there was below 0 degrees.
Fyi, I was dressed in 5 layers. And I was still freezing.
Cold sucks.
Had a nice dinner though, my first delicious fish ever yum!

Let me reiterate, this resort stay was our most expensive accomodation. Really exorbitant. But well, all for a new experience.
View from my room

I think 'cold' is my most frequently used word throughout this whole trip.
But seriously, it is the most apt word to use to sum up my entire trip.
because it IS cold.
And I hate it.

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