Sunday, December 26, 2010

26 Dec- Road trip

An apple early in the morning before departing!
Aiding in my bowel movements.

Our destination for the day was Lake Tahoe.
A snowy place.
To prepare for the slippery roads, we bought snow chains.

Its supposed to decrease friction I guess?
Anw we ended up not using it at all.
What a waste of $.
It was pretty much the most dangerous ride of my life, because of the slippery roads.
First snow sighting

Everyone in the car got really excited.
From this

to this

Whee so happy right, seeing snow for the first time and all.
Slowly, the temperature began to dip.
And soon the car was frigging cold.
And the roads were congested cos everyone was driving slowly. Driving slow=take super long to reach. The car was practically crawling.
Besides, visibility was really bad. The windscreen kept fogging up. Had to keep wiping.

By then, the euphoria had ebbed away.
After very long, we finally reached Cal Neva Resort
This resort was the most expensive hotel we staying in during our entire trip.
And the beds arent that comfy at all.
Fun fact: This resort belonged to Frank Sinatra, hence Sinatra songs that kept playing in the lobby.

Some cheesy dinner at the restaurant.
Not bad, but really too cheesy already.

Typical eating shot

Yx totally crashed after dinner.
Poor guy, drive too much alrdy.

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