Monday, March 28, 2011

26 March- Grand Canyon

Pretty sure that everyone has heard of the Grand Canyon before.
Went there with high expectations, wasn't disappointed.
However, wasn't entirely overwhelmed either. Death Valley just seems better.
If you ever have to choose between Death Valley and Grand Canyon, please choose the former.
So anw, scenery!
The day was kinda cloudy, hence the gloomy feel.

In one day alone, we experienced rain, snow and hail. Not forgetting, really really strong winds.
That's how PMS-y the weather was.
Thankfully, it was tiny hail. Looks abit like styrofoam.

Grand Canyon with sunlight

Basically after awhile, they all look the same.
Rocks with red tints.
Maybe cos we were limited to the South Rim view only.
Fyi, there are North and West rims, so maybe the view would have been different from there.
Anyway, gotta bitch about the wind.
The wind chill itself was enough to bring the temperature to sub zero.
My fingers were as frozen as that time in the snow.
Next day on the drive back, we experienced fog.
Fog, another dangerous thing.
How to drive when you cant see ahead.
Thankfully, it lasted for a pretty short stretch only.
In summer, people die of heat stroke.
In the wind, people die of stroke. 中风,cos all the wind just blows into your head and numbs your face.
Fave group shot!

Random note, gas prices in the ulu Grand Canyon is actually cheaper than in LA!
Maybe cos of the lower tax. A whole dollar lesss leh!!
But dunno why theres still this sign at one of the gas stations.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fish on Fridays

MmmMmm, Filet O Fish for $1.29.
Only on Fridays. And the only reason its so cheap, is cos there are alot of fast food joints around, and Taco Bell has a 2 for $3 offer on Fish Tacos, only on Fridays too.
I love Fridays.
And perfect competition.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

3rd month anniversary!

And now we have hit the 3 month mark!
Just yesterday, I ate my first Subway meal ever.
I used to shun Subway cos NO FISH (tune stinks), and HATE RAW VEGGIES.
But guess what, loved it!
I never thought I would come to like ham, to like raw lettuce and raw tomatoes and raw onions.
Seriously, I even asked for MORE LETTUCE.
I am OFFICIALLY A FAN OF LETTUCE. Even thinking of making my own sandwiches already.
Such a big step.
My gosh, exchange has really changed my life!
I can actually eat and swallow chicken drumsticks too, as long as they are dipped in really nice sauces which mask the chicken taste.
Seriously, momma would be so proud lol!
Yay, friends out there, be prepared to see a new me when I return.
Eating out would be so much easier :D
I hope!
So anw, me and HR 'celebrated' our 3rd month by cooking and having cute ice cream cake from Baskin' Robbins

Seriously cute to the maxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Its like ice cream on the inside. Looks like a toy right! Predictably, I picked an orange one.

Cutest stuff I've ever eaten.
Makes me temporarily forget that my time here is running out.

20 March- Brooklyn

So after days and days of Manhattan, we were down to our last day in NYC.
Time to explore the not-so-exciting Brooklyn!
By then, my legs were totally sore.
Blistered and aching from extensive usage.
But the pain aint gonna keep me down!

That's Brooklyn for you.
Far cry from Manhattan. No skyscrapers, no crowds.
Imagine this place at night.

Really dark and quiet. Street lamps are ok but it doesnt change the fact that you're alone.
Thats the kind of street I was walking home alone in that night. Very very very scary. Highly NOT recommended for anyone!
Anw, nothing much, just walked around, noticed that Brooklyn has a much slower pace of life.
Sure, people still jaywalk, but the speed of walking is slower, and there are actually families out chillaxing together. In Manhattan, its all rush rush rush.
Lunner again, famous pizza.

As with all famous food, long queue! This time round, it took about 40mins.

Great pizza, especially when hot!
Last evening in NYC, what's left to do?
Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge, on foot!

Bad traffic below us during peak hour.

View of the Manhattan Bridge. Kinda looks like the Brooklyn Bridge..

Aand that's Manhattan for you!

In conclusion, walked and ate alot. I have discovered the secret to getting rid of constipation. WALKING! I had no bowel problems AT ALL during those days of intense walking. It was the yinghui style of everyday excretion. Fabulous feeling. At the end of it all, felt like legs were gonna drop off.
But New York City is just worth every ounce of pain.

19 March- Times Square, for the last time

Another day of walking around.
When I say walking around, I really mean walking around.
As in from 10am-12am.
We prolly only sat down in between for an hour or 2 to eat.
The rest of the time, we're on our feet, exploring.
Very very very good exercise.
Havent felt such lactic acid in my legs for a long time.
Checked out NYU. Nothing much.

Did some shopping in the day, and the fun started at night.
Quick stop at Grand Central Terminal for a visit.

Best subway station everrrrr. Camwhored like siao.
And then, a last visit to Times Square.
Nope, not sick of that place.
Im like a moth attracted to the lights.

But ok, more specifically, Toys 'R' Us.

But my favourite store has got to be the M&M store!!

The brightest, most colourful store I've ever been in.
The colours, make you feel like you're in another land altogether, enticing you to buy buy buy.

Just the sight of the M&Ms alone is enough to mesmerise you.
All the unusual colours which you cant get elsewhere.
Especially the bright orange stuff.
Be it cushions, shirts, bags, as long as there was orange, my eyes automatically zoomed to it.
Love the bright neon orange colours around!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand that ends Times Square!

18 March- Back to NYC

So awesome to be back to Manhattan.
Lots of streets waiting to be explored.
Checked in at our hotel, which was at Brooklyn.
Basically, in NYC, only Manhattan is truly prosperous.
Brooklyn, Bronx and Queens are the places with the high crime rates and dark shady streets and people.
But, more on that next time.
In NYC, its so easy to get around.
We just walked around the whole day! Felt sooooo goood to use my feet!
5th Avenue, where all the branded stores are.

We just walked the morning away. And for lunner, Shake Shack. It's this famous burger joint thats only available in NYC.

The queue, is no joke. We queued for about an hour and a half.

Guess Singaporeans arent the only ones who are willing to queue for food.
Worth the wait? Well, I wouldnt recommend the signature Shack burger, but do go for the Mushroom burger. THe mushroom ooooooozes out into your mouth mm mm.

Museum of Sex. Saw some verrrrrrrrrrrrry interesting books ;)

One thing about New Yorkers, they are chronic jaywalkers.
The sign there is actually the STOP sign, but do you see anyone stopping? NO!

Its just in their 'culture'. Cars always have to end up giving way even when their light is green. And best part is, NYPD doesnt care. Saw police cars around but seems to me that jaywalking isnt a crime over there. After just a few days there, I got so used to crossing the road without looking at the lights. Just look at the roads. No cars=cross. Got car=cross faster. Pedestrians give way for noone! LOL
Sightseeing at night.

We didnt go up the Empire. We went up another building, the Rockefeller, so that we could get a view of the Empire. Sounds like a smarter choice.
Top of the Rock




All 3 possible timings to view the Empire State, done!

Monday, March 21, 2011

17 March- Boston

Boston, pretty boring place.
Guess its too chillax compared to NYC.
Visited Harvard.

Not very impressive actually. Or maybe because we didn't visit the famous Business School or Law School. Anw, how interesting can school grounds get?
Next, another famous school, MIT.

Boston is pretty chilly btw.
And lastly, food at their famous marketplace!

Cute cake

More lobsters for lunch. Lobster roll and clam chowder, to be specific.