Monday, March 21, 2011

15 Mar- Hershey's + Niagara Falls

A trip to the US wouldnt be complete without a visit to an American chocolate factory.

Went on the free tour chocolate tour to see how they make their chocolates. Wah, they cutsified everything! Singing cows, cute machines, joyful music. Just makes you happy.

And of course, the gift store, where you will feel like buying everything.

Cannot fall for their ploy! I almost succumbed many many many times. But I managed to keep reminding myself, dont buy=wont eat. Buy=eat alot. Escaped the place unscathed whew.
Nighttime was a visit to the Niagra Falls. The tour guide is quite dumb. Brought us there before the lights were on. And when the lights DID come on, we had to go. Idiot.

Those lights over there, thats Canada.

Best shot of the Falls I could get. Too dark sia, very hard to capture a decent photo.

No worries though, cos we were due to return to the Falls the next day. Cool right, night and day views.

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