Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cooking-wise, we have upped our standard.
Literally 三菜一汤

So we dont have the best cameras around to fully show the awesomeness of the food.
Potato soup, chinese style

Plus ham and cheese omelette. Which was totally my first attempt.

As usual, the photo looks gross yuck.
As is my style, I always steal food before all the dishes are done, hence the half-eaten appearance.
Taste-wise, decent job, I give myself, a 60!
Have to work on getting the eggs to be more omelette-ish.
Plus steamed fish.
Plus veggie.
Everything together, really a decent homecooked meal.
As of today, that meal was the best so far. Be prepared for more boring posts about cooking, as I totally plan to keep producing better and better meals!
Cooking is really such fun.
Esp when you dont have to study, and have loads of free time.
Preparation and cooking time alone, with 2 of us, took up 1hr15mins.
I cant imagine spending that much time cooking for myself.

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