Thursday, March 10, 2011

Crash and burn

Got into my first car accident ever, and it had to happen with me as the driver and in LA hours before the flight.
Fucking truck swerved abruptly into my lane without any warning, I swerved, and banged another car in front.
And that truck totally didnt get caught even though LAPD was just a few feet away. Karma had better bite that driver in the ass man!
So surreal, but it seems like accidents are a part and parcel of LA life.
The cops and people were so relaxed about it, like it happened everyday.
I was like OH FUCK OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT at first, but after awhile, its like, chay, no big deal.
And totally sabo-ed the driver, cos she was driving without a license. Cops gave her a ticket and towed her car away.
And i was wondering why she was so eager to leave without a fuss when I was the one in the wrong.
Anws, our car was more damaged than hers.
Still minor damages though, just a destroyed headlight. Not sure about the inside of the car. Smoke kinda billowed out from the front boot right after the accident, something must have spoilt. Gonna get a full check when we return to LA.

And all her car got were a couple of scratches.
Arghhh insurance is not gonna cover our repairs.
Guess the most important thing is that nobody was injured.
Actually, I wouldnt mind getting slightly injured in place of the car.
At least Im insured, so I wouldnt have to worry about a thing.
ZZZ but wtv, everyone's just gonna say my life is more important and I guess thats true.
On hindsight, at least I'll have a cool story to bring back to Singapore (not to my parents though.)
Nothing like a car accident to complete the LA assimilation.
What a way to mark the start of spring break.
A sign of things to come?

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