Tuesday, March 22, 2011

3rd month anniversary!

And now we have hit the 3 month mark!
Just yesterday, I ate my first Subway meal ever.
I used to shun Subway cos NO FISH (tune stinks), and HATE RAW VEGGIES.
But guess what, loved it!
I never thought I would come to like ham, to like raw lettuce and raw tomatoes and raw onions.
Seriously, I even asked for MORE LETTUCE.
I am OFFICIALLY A FAN OF LETTUCE. Even thinking of making my own sandwiches already.
Such a big step.
My gosh, exchange has really changed my life!
I can actually eat and swallow chicken drumsticks too, as long as they are dipped in really nice sauces which mask the chicken taste.
Seriously, momma would be so proud lol!
Yay, friends out there, be prepared to see a new me when I return.
Eating out would be so much easier :D
I hope!
So anw, me and HR 'celebrated' our 3rd month by cooking and having cute ice cream cake from Baskin' Robbins

Seriously cute to the maxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Its like ice cream on the inside. Looks like a toy right! Predictably, I picked an orange one.

Cutest stuff I've ever eaten.
Makes me temporarily forget that my time here is running out.

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