Sunday, February 13, 2011

12 Feb- Six Flags

Saturday was spent at another tourist trap!
Six Flags is a pretty famous theme park in California.

My experience with theme parks so far has been limited to Escape Theme Park.
Very zzzz, I know.
So, needless to day, this was a really big upgrade.
From cui rides, suddenly I was faced with the real deal!
Actually, the best part of the day was the sun!
It was so sunny and I made the right choice to wear shorts.
By sunset however, it was a different story.
No sun + wind = cold and dry skin.
But anw, the rides were really thrilling.
Queuing wasnt so thrilling though.
In the 7+ hours we were there, we only managed about 5-6 rides.
The queues are really no joke :/
Thankfully, most of the rides were pretty decent.

My way of taking roller coasters has always been to squeeze my eyes shut.
As long as I cant see the surroundings, I wont be able to imagine myself dying.
This time round, I steeled myself up to be braver!
Eyes open all the time, screamed like hell while thoughts of Final Destination ran through my mind.
There was one ride, where we were so high up but there were flies buzzing around. LOL had to shut our mouths instead for fear of ingesting the flies.
Anw, we had a blast.
Flip, toss, turn, spin, all at high speed.
Adrenaline rush indeed.
Survived one of the roller coasters that was ranked Top 10 in the world.
Ended with a carousel ride.

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