Tuesday, February 22, 2011

20 Feb- Seattle Day 3 Pike Place Market

Again, woke up to sunshine.
Due to the wind, it was still cold, but as long as theres sun to heat up things abit, its pretty bearable.
These are the kind of trees you'll see around Seattle.

Bare naked trees.
Adds to the gloom of the city, especially if it happens to be a cloudy day.
Headed down to Pike Place Market, kinda like a major pasar malam specialising in fresh seafood and fruits.

Huge fish head.

Funny balloon man

Apple coated with caramel and M&Ms

Trust them to turn something healthy into something so sinful :X
Very cute cheesecakes that tasted as good as it looked.

Lunch of shrimp bisque (which looks like coffee idk why)....

.....and seafood broth

There were salmon, oysters, shrimps, clams, calamari and some other fish.
Really my kind of food.
Abit too salty for my liking though.
I keep telling myself, that its so fresh from the sea that the salty seawater had nowhere to escape to.
Really tasty gelato.

We asked this couple in front of us for recommendations, and they replied that all the flavours were good O.O
Was in the mood for some fruits, so....
Chocolate and caramel covered apple!

Feels like some food expedition yum.
Second half of the day was spent at Portland, Oregon.
What else is there to do but to shop!!
The drive there was around 3 hours, but why go all the way there???
Because Portland is tax-free!!
Which spells cheaper shopping!
Branded goods at half its usual price, coupled with President's Day sale, and now, added bonus of being tax-free!!!!
Awesome deals and bargains!!
Receipt for dinner.
Look at it, whats so special about it?

No tax imposed, thats what!!
Dont miss out on Portland if you ever head to Oregon.
Get a taste of tax-free life.

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