Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ooopss losing my blogging enthusiasm.
Cannot! Must get it back!
Ok so anw, I have actually been studying for tests and quizzes and what not!
Finance midterm, 30/33. Which I studied for the night before only.
Yeah i AM boasting, average was 24.
And of cos, I had another econs test but that one wasnt so good so Im not telling :P
Lets just take it that Im smart.

Visited The Grove last weekend.

Its an atas place in LA.
In fact, its what LA should be.
Its the type of LA that you'll always see in the movies.

Shopping mall, expensive brands, fancy cinema, water fountain.
Basically your typical shopping district.
Not compelling enough for me to snap tons of shots.
Lunch was at Farmer's Market.
It's just like a marketplace with lots of food stalls around.
Something cute.

Brazilian BBQ

So Im not really a meat lover,didnt order much of the BBQ meat, just a lil beef.
Too meaty for my liking.
But im sure meat lovers will love it cos....its meat! and BBQed!
dont really know how to describe but yeah, mmm mmm.
Later that night, had the BEST FRIES EVER
Ok, gotta clarify, these fries arent made of potatoes.
They're made of SWEET POTATOES.

I dont usually eat sweet potatoes back in Singapore, cos it just doesnt suit my tastebuds.
But this!!
I guess the sweetness of the potato was really brought out.
Just the other day, I ate this pizza, with sweet potato in the crust.
Pure delight.
My new-found love in LA!
Definitely going back.
Really getting to love this place.
Although it still isnt as glamorous, and isnt as interesting, but theres just so much great food around.
Im already dreading the going-back-Singapore-and-missing-LA-food part.

Krispy Kreme

As you can see, I didnt take any photos of the doughnuts cos they were dented.
Plus, it was wayyyy too sweeeet for me.
Too sweet for me equals too effing sweet for most of the population.
I have a super sweet tooth, and even I couldnt take the sugar.
The whole donut is just glazed in sugar.
I lessened my agony by painstakingly scraping the sugar off first.
Kinda like squeezing oil from fries but anw, you get the point.
Glad I tried it, but I wont try it again.

Eurgh I love it that ice cream is cheap here, but I hate it that ice cream is cheap here.
I can polish off a pint in 15mins.
Which I totally just did.
Which i totally feel guilty for.
Which puts me in the mood for the other pint sitting in the fridge.
Which makes me even more guilty.
Why am I so weak-willed when it comes to ice cream!!!!!!!!!
I keep telling myself to stop buying, but then I keep telling myself that its so cheap here, would be a waste if I didnt pig out here!!
Happiness while eating, unadulterated guilt after.

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