Tuesday, February 22, 2011

21 Feb- Seattle Day 4 Downtown and arounddd

And for the 4th consecutive day, sunshine!!
We heard a local on the street commenting that its so rare to get such a long stretch of good weather, and that such a day must be spent outdoors.
Really chose the right time to go Seattle.
Several days here, and we hadn't really explored the city that much, so it was time to do so.

Slope, reminds me of San Fran.
The first Original Starbucks

Seattle is really Starbucks town.
Every corner you turn, there'll be a Starbucks.
Close your eyes and randomly point at someone, 90% chance of that person holding a Starbucks cup.
And despite the high density of Starbucks stores, each store is still filled.

Not overflowing with customers, but reasonably occupied with customers.
Really strong Starbucks-drinking culture here.
My guess is that, Seattle itself is really cold, and the people need warm coffee to feel better.
So they go in, grab a coffee, and walk around. After awhile when the coffee turns cold, they duck into another store and grab another coffee and so on.
As long as this keeps up, Starbucks doesnt have to worry about going out of business. In Seattle at least.
Even I, a person who hates the coffee taste and only drinks Starbucks once in a blue moon, succumbed and got myself a hot chocolate.
Holding the cup, feeling the steam emit from it, enjoying the warmth, just sooooooooooooooooo comforting.
Russian bread for breakfast

Seattle Art Museum

More naked trees

Cleanest city I've been to so far.

And of course, Chinatown

Had lunch at a Malaysian store, where we got very chummy with the owner and his son.
He gave us free dessert and free upsize of soup.
Xing zhou mifen, bak kut teh, curry chicken, and best of all, sambal kangkong

Re-ignited my desire for kangkong.
Bo bo charchar!!!

Really great meal which ironically led me to realise that....I really dont miss Singapore food that much.
Sure, hokkien mee and char kway tiao would be good.
But I can survive without it.
Haha, lets see if this mentality will persist till the end.
Another plus point of Seattle.
Free train rides.
On certain days, everyone gets to hop on the train for no cost at all!

What a great system!!!
The train is very much like the MRT, just that its less crowded here.
Later in the day, we went down to visit some dead people.

Alot of famous people are buried at this cemetery.
Bruce Lee is one of them.
Unfortunately, it was closed :(
Dinner was more Chinese food, at a place called Kau Kau.
They supposedly serve the best char siew in Seattle.

Too pork-y for my liking, as usual.
And too much fats. I really hate fats on food.
More meat

Wonton soup

Fried rice, which I think I can cook better. This one had too much fatty charsiew.

Chinese restaurants in the US never fail to have huge portions.

Random shot of the day: outside Little Darlings.

What's Little Darlings?
To quote their neon signboard, its an 'intimate Gentleman's Club'.
Which in layman's terms probably means 'sexy lap dances and other services by strippers'
Heh heh, located opposite our hotel, where we had a full view of the entrance everyday.
And next to Little Darlings was a sex shop selling kinky stuff.
Complementary goods.

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