Saturday, February 5, 2011

5 Feb- San Francisco (again!)

Unhealthy breakfast

I have upgraded to include raw tomatoes in my diet.
Every burger comes with raw tomatoes, and I get too lazy to take it out.
Drive to San Fran.
Elephant seals along the way.
These seals are bigger than the San Diego seals.
More blubber! But equally lazy.
Foggy day.

So anw, it was...mating season.
There were male seals fighting away for territory.
Most amusingly, there was seal porn!

The fat male seal on top just randomly rolled onto a female and started getting it on.
LOL but funniest was, the female kept trying to squirm away lazily.

So the male had to keep grabbing the female, who finally got too lazy to squirm anymore.
Oh, and seals seriously have a long dick.
Like wtffffffffffffffff, all the people watching were amazed at the length of it.
Just a matter of whether the male wants to show it or not.
No idea where they hide it when theyre not using it.
Fighting seals.

After that, another random high vantage point.

And a whale-watching spot.

Obviously, its not so easy to spot whales. We totally didnt see any.
Japanese lunch, which kinda sucked. Well, actually mine didnt suck cos its all fried food. How wrong can you go with fried food.

Lastly, a lighthouse

It was like, the day was just filled with random places for stop over.
Say NO to expensive tourist traps!
Ended the day in Chinatown.
Its still CNY so there were like decorations around.

I ordered fried rice. But apparently, they misunderstood my Chinese, and gave me hor fun instead.

I have never been a fan of hor fun. Furthermore, this was really oily.
Experienced firsthand what firecrackers sound like.
Very loud! And they were throwing it off the buildings onto the roads.
Hello.......dangerous much.

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