Sunday, January 30, 2011

Arghzzxzxzxzxz the Screen Actors Guild Awards was held around USC today.
Like just now, like really near USC.
Wait a min, it was held IN USC itself.
And I didnt hang out around there, cos I was expecting security to be super tight, and that I wouldnt get a glimpse of any celebrities.
Turns out I was wrong!!!!!
Could have stood across the street and seen the cars and limos pulling up.
Could have seen the celebrities alighting, some of whom bothered to wave.
Could have seen Nicole Kidman, Christian Bale, Eva Longoria, Kim Kardashian, and the list goes on...
And I keep saying 'could have', because I didnt go. DAMNNNNNN wrong choice!!! Fuck me and my 'common sense'
Just so jealous of elita right now.
I mean, waiting in the cold to catch glimpses of celebrities, is so much more rewarding than waiting in the cold to ski.
Give me celebrities any day.
But all is not lost.
Know whats coming up in Feb??
Yes, The Oscars thats what!
And Im not gonna let history repeat itself.

Speaking of clebrities, we sorta saw 'Paris Hilton' today.
Driving driving driving, in the rain.
Suddenly there was an area on the street with many raincoat-ed ppl and film cameras.
Managed to peek inside to see SOMEBODY.
Ok, yx said it was Paris, Im not that sure but wtv.
It was a celebrity!
Hope i get to see less skanky ones next time!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

29 Jan- Pasadena

Cheesecake factory!

Yx keeps saying its the same as the one where they filmed Big Bang Theory.
Totally cannot be. The interior is so different.
This one is so classy, the one in the show is so plain.
But wtv, same name can already.
Cheesecake factory!
I totally didnt order a cheesecake though. So typical of me. Never ordering the specialties.
Black-out cake. What an apt name.

Totally dont look as nice as the others. Only the cream was pretty.
But it was realllly huge.
Elita's tasted heavenly.
Godiva cheesecake.

See the Godiva sign!

All the cheesecakes were delishh.
Anw couldnt finish my cake.
Too much thick rich chocolatey goodness in one sitting.

Next event, Huntington Library.

Fooled by the 'Library'
We knew it was a library surrounded by gardens.
What we didnt expect, was that the library wasnt really a library.
More like a tiny exhibition hall exhibiting idk what.
Anw, lotsa lotsa lotsa lotsa plants and flowers.
Since im not really a flower kinda person, it wasnt THAT interesting.
There were cute plants though.
Odd-shaped cactus that looks like worms!

Big fat cactus that looks like a watermelon

That watermelon cactus totally stabbed me in the leg.
I was gonna try a pose of me climbing on the cactus but OW, pricked me! Lost a drop of blood.
Oh I totally didnt take photos of any flowers LOL.
They are pretty and stuff, but.... not my thing.
Cactus on the other hand....fascinating.
Camwhore fail. We were sort of the most bored ones.

My goal: By the end of SEP, master camwhore.
It is a very useful skill that will come in handy throughout life.
Last photo, Japanese garden!

28 Jan-San Bernardino

San Bernardino was the only place in LA that still had snow.
And supposedly very scenic, and famous for Big Bear Lake.
Uphill drive again. Very very very windy.
Not the breezy kind of windy.
Its the curvy kind of wind-y.
Plus very elevated.

Actually, there wasnt much snow. Spring's coming, snow was melting.
Only random patches of ice around.
Actually, Im really REALLY glad that there was no snow.
Like I said, been there done that move on.

See, very little snow left.
And since I love to eat, of cos I must talk about my lunch.
First pizza in the US so far. Cheap and good!

HR says my camera makes good food look ugly. I think I have to agree with her.
But what matters is I dont look THAT ugly.

Ooops, I guess I CAN look ugly.
Big Bear Lake.

Not very spectacular.
Looks better from above cos then you can see the whole lake. All we got were parts of it.
So the drive down was pretty nauseating, cos again curvy roads.
Plus it was nearing sundown, the sun happened to be glaring directly in our direction into our eyes.
Very dangerous to drive cos we could barely see ahead.
Just had to follow the cars in front.
Turn when they turn and stuff.
If not for the cars....we wouldnt be able to see where the curves were.
Survived another day, and survived another uphill/downhill drive.
Really gotta say that yx is an awesome driver.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

26 Jan- Diddy Riese

It was just another school day.
Average average, nothing much Wednesday.
Until 10pm.
Diddy Riese!

Look at the queue. Its THAT good.
Theyre like an ice cream place, with a twist!
Ice cream between cookies!

Sweet treat on sweet treat.
Cookies were really good,outshone the ice cream.
Yum tum. And the best part of it all??
Only $1.50!!!!

Its currently located near UCLA, rival school.
If only they could set up one in USC...
My breakfast, lunch and dinner will be easily settled.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Have been cooking more nowadays.
Currently, maggie noodles is my main staple diet.
No rice cooker in my apartment :(
Lets see how long more I can put up with it.
Soon my hair will all drop.

All our cooked meals contain eggs. Cos its the easiest to cook!
Recently, we ventured into veggie and fish territory.
First attempt at fish. Thank god for oyster sauce, if not really no idea how to make it taste good.

2nd attempt at fish

OK looks the same, but the taste is different. 2nd time round it was much softer and fishier yum.. K wtv, making myself hungry.
All the food so far do not look aesthetically appealing at all.
Must work on that!

Yx's failed pancake

23 Jan-UCSD + Amtrak

Visited University of California, San Diego
Many grey buildings which just reminded me of NUS pls.
The UCSD symbol. Called a Triton, fancy name. Should just call it merman.

Their Sun God.

Yeah its just a colourful chicken. But they really call it the Sun God, dont know why.

Singapore flag in someone's room

The campus is really huge, but our legs were too tired to explore the whole thing.

Took the Amtrak back to LA
Its just a train.

There was nice scenery along the way, but the sun kept shining into my eye :(
Americans really love to make friends on the train.
A whole bunch of small talk and conversations among strangers.
This girl made friends with a group of people and just left with them.
Is that cool or what!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

21-22Jan- San Diego again

So it was back to San Diego this weekend.
We had not explored much during the last visit.
This time round, it felt like am all-expenses-paid trip.
We tagged along to visit Chen Dan's dad's friend. Lets call him Mr D.
Anw, hes a rich Chinese guy with a business in SD.
Visited his factory and office premises.
Not Shenton Way impressive, more like Industrial Park impressive.
He paid for our hotel stay, got people to drive us around to wherever we wanted to, invited us to those 10-course meal Chinese dinners.
His house is really big. And only 2 people live in it currently.

The display kitchen. They have 2 kitchens, 1 for show, 1 for actual cooking lol.

The display dining room. Again, very pretty.

Its not like their house is a mansion, but its definitely not your average American home either.
He owns like 2 or 3 Jaguars and 1 vintage car.
We got a ride in his Jaguar, so sleek ttm.
We were invited to a Chinese dinner he was hosting, wah, totally good food.
10 course meal.
Although the other guests were old people, who cares, there was expensive Chinese food to occupy us.
Since its inconvenient to get around without a car in SD, he got his secretary to drive us around the next day.
Its just in the Chinese blood to play good host.

Breakfast the next day. DIY waffle.

Not very nice tasting though.
Shortly after that, the secretary picked us up and took us to lunch.
Dimsum lunch!

Frankly, I was exploding from food, but who can resist dim sum.
Then we just went sightseeing.
hotel Coronado, some pretty hotel I guess.

Super old-school elevator in the hotel

Next up, Balboa park

Random cute dogs

Lastly, Seaport Village.
The place is something like a tribute to sailors and navymen who died in some event.
Some military thingy

Passionate kissing of a scuplture

Couple in the background was making out for very long. Only managed to get a shot of hugging :(

Dinner was another pretty grand affair.
VIP was the Consul General of China, who was in town for talks with Obama.

The whole thing was very Chinese. For a moment there, it felt like I wasnt in the US anymore.
Mr Du is like some big shot in the SD Chinese community.
All the auspicious red decorations.

The Consul General bigshot

Big plate of chicken. Some guy actually ate the head yuck.

Sweet and sour pork. Missed the sweet and sour taste!!!

And my all-time favourite, fried rice! Look at the shrimp!

2 consecutive days of expensive Chinese food. Almost heaven.
2 consecutive days of luxury cars. Jealous much.
Jaguar, BMW (is that luxury? I dont really know), Mercedes, Lexus.
All with really spacious interiors.
If only our car could somehow magically transform itself...