Sunday, January 9, 2011

9 Jan- Long Beach

The day before school starts.
Started the Sunday early. Headed to another tourist trap at Long Beach.
It's the oil producing part of California so air quality kinda sucks there.
There would be the occasional waft of oil smell.
A decommissioned ship called Queen Mary.

The ship was pretty cool, and apparently there are many paranomal activities there.

Went on a sort of haunted ship tour but it was just full of special effects.

Next was Aquarium of the Pacific, way cool too.

Lotsa global warming messages (ahem, recycling!)
And lotsa cool underwater stuff.

Got to see shark's egg developing. The actually cut away a part of the egg and replace that part with a transparent sheet, so you can see the baby developing.
Lotsa cutee sea lions and seals and cool sharks.
Then came the highlight of the day.
My first ever live basketball match.

It was a match on home ground. USC ftw!!

The atmosphere was just electrifying, you'll never experience something like that ever in NUS.
Entire stadium was 95% USC supporters.

That sea of yellow, all USC supporters who were there an hour before the match.
And it was super coool.
Boo-ing whenever UCLA came on was acceptable.
Whenever the speaker/host mentioned UCLA, eg, Ball goes to UCLA, the USC supporters would just go 'sucks!!'
which gives you
voice: timeout, UCLA
audience: sucks!!!!
and all these was perfectly acceptable!
In singapore, it would prolly be seen as unsporting and rude, but here, its just sports and fun.
everything was grossly biased towards USC.
USC team got a video played before the game, USC got to bring cheerleaders on, the speaker got excited whenever USC scored, and just monotoned when UCLA scored. And each time USC scored, the player's face would appear on the screen.
and everytime there was a timeout, the cheerleaders would come on, or the dancers would come on, or some sponsor would have some game to entertain.
So it was constant entertainment.
Again, something I have never experienced before in Singapore.
And this is just a basketball game.
Imagine how a football game would be like.
Final score: 63 to 52
something like that, in USC's favour!
I have finally felt the Trojan spirit.
And tomorrow the real lessons begin.
super zzzz but there is no escape.
Oh, one more thing, the cheerleaders were typical.
White, blonde, bombastic figure, made-up face and big :DDD
Seriously all white. Ok, there's one black, but looks like the black-white mixed blood kind. No asians at all, althought 40%++ of USC population is Asian.
Hmmmmmm....wonder what that means..

1 comment:

  1. wowww. your life there sounds soo fun!! wish i were there too!

