Sunday, January 2, 2011

2 Jan- Getty Museum

2nd day of Santa Monica.
Quite a boring day cos we finished exploring the area the day before already.
So nothing left to do.
Plus it was quite a rainy day.
Decided to head to the Getty Museum.
Frankly, as we were driving there, we had no idea what the museum was all about.
Turns out that its an art museum.
Well, at least entrance is free!

Some weird sculpture. Looks aneroxic.

Garden in the museum

Oil painting that looks freakishly like a photograph. Very lifelike, very well done.

Poor injured hand of mine.

Knuckle area was wounded, by a very strong force, called the wind.
The wind makes the skin really dry, and I didnt moisturise, so somehow, the knuckles started to have cuts. Seriously, there were small slits.
Moral of the story: Always moisturise any exposed part of your body. Wind can kill!

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