Tuesday, January 4, 2011

4 Jan- San Diego

So Santa Monica got too boring.
Headed down to San Diego!!
This was an impromptu trip that was planned only a couple of days before.
Couldn't stand the un-liveable Santa Monica hostel anymore.
Please dont ever stay in hostels. It's not worth it.
Just rent a hotel room and share.

Anw, during the drive, we stopped by scenic places again.
This place was special, cos there were many seagulls.
These birds weren't flying in the air, but standing around on the ground.
Totally not scared of humans.

Trying to take a photo with a seagull. That was the closest I could get.

Upon reaching San Diego, we visited a beach. Again!!
Can't help it. These places are famous for their beaches.
But this beach was special!

It was populated by seals!!

Those brown things are seals! They were very lazy, just lying there, suntanning.. And all very fat and cute.

After that was dinner, at a pretty classy Italian restaurant.It's not like we had alot of money to burn, but we were starving, and there weren't many other restaurants open. It was around 4++pm, and the rest all closed at 3pm. No choice but to settle for a slightly upper class one.

Pasta was great though. What did I order?

SHRIMPS AGAIN!!! It's like I'm always eating the same thing, due to my weird dislike for land animals. Well, shrimps suit me just fine! Plus they were very generous with their serving of shrimps.

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