Saturday, January 29, 2011

29 Jan- Pasadena

Cheesecake factory!

Yx keeps saying its the same as the one where they filmed Big Bang Theory.
Totally cannot be. The interior is so different.
This one is so classy, the one in the show is so plain.
But wtv, same name can already.
Cheesecake factory!
I totally didnt order a cheesecake though. So typical of me. Never ordering the specialties.
Black-out cake. What an apt name.

Totally dont look as nice as the others. Only the cream was pretty.
But it was realllly huge.
Elita's tasted heavenly.
Godiva cheesecake.

See the Godiva sign!

All the cheesecakes were delishh.
Anw couldnt finish my cake.
Too much thick rich chocolatey goodness in one sitting.

Next event, Huntington Library.

Fooled by the 'Library'
We knew it was a library surrounded by gardens.
What we didnt expect, was that the library wasnt really a library.
More like a tiny exhibition hall exhibiting idk what.
Anw, lotsa lotsa lotsa lotsa plants and flowers.
Since im not really a flower kinda person, it wasnt THAT interesting.
There were cute plants though.
Odd-shaped cactus that looks like worms!

Big fat cactus that looks like a watermelon

That watermelon cactus totally stabbed me in the leg.
I was gonna try a pose of me climbing on the cactus but OW, pricked me! Lost a drop of blood.
Oh I totally didnt take photos of any flowers LOL.
They are pretty and stuff, but.... not my thing.
Cactus on the other hand....fascinating.
Camwhore fail. We were sort of the most bored ones.

My goal: By the end of SEP, master camwhore.
It is a very useful skill that will come in handy throughout life.
Last photo, Japanese garden!

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