Thursday, January 13, 2011

13 Jan- Art Walk

Every 2nd Thursday of each month, downtown LA transforms into an art gallery.
Many art galleries would be set up, showcasing all sorts of weird quirky art stuff.
Not that we know how to appreciate, but it was still worth taking a look.
First time seeing a place so alive at night.
First stop, food carnival!
It was basically just a whole carpark full of colourful food vans,

All sorts of food there.
They even had Nasi Briyani.

which was supposedly very excellent.
Also, very yummylicious fries. The sauce there is curry mayo sauce. I love it almost as much as i love ketchup!

Moving on to the actual Artwalk..
Lets just say, art is weird.
And the people visiting these galleries came from all walks of life.
There were smartly dressed men, hot young chicks, and people who looked like they havent showered in days.
Notice anything wrong with this car?

And basically there were other interesting art around. Interesting event, but I don't think I'll go for it ever again. Too much cigarette smell, nauseating..

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