Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 Jan- San Diego Zoo

Been a long time since we visited the zoo.
My only memories of Mandai Zoo was bad smell, humid weather, and lots of mosquitoes.
This time round, it was almost no smell (except at some smelly animals enclosures), cool weather and ZERO mosquitoes.

So basically, we saw a whole bunch of animals.
Then came my favourite animal of all!

Pandas were effing cute! One was sleeping, so could only capture its butt. This one above was just happily eating and being really camera-friendly!! I like!!
There was along queue to see the pandas, cos they are like 'fragile' animals, cant have too many people there at one go, and all had to speak softly. But me dont mind.
My first live panda sighting! Worth it!

Camel with uneven humps

Grizzly bear. Would be cute if it had been fatter.

Then came my favourite part of the day.
Went to some obscure place to eat some fusion Japanese food.
I ordered Lobster Fried Rice. Totally not what I imagined it to be.

Yes I have no idea what the weird foam at the top is, but it tasted decent.
lightly salted. The rest were saying that its the foam that the lobster breathed out underwater, but....I have my doubts.
Fried rice is always yum!!

Random photo of the day

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