Friday, January 14, 2011

14 Jan-Road trip (again!)

Road trips are getting so tiresome.
Anw, for the long weekend ahead, we planned to head to Death Valley.
Scenic spot.
Which means long drive.
After having suffered 3weeks of endless road trips, the novelty is starting to wear off.
Its tiring, plus you waste so much time in the car.
BUT! The people around will make you feel better somewhat.
So this time round, we made more stops along the way to camwhore.
The scenery was once again, that of snowcapped mountains.

Then it was deserts and tundras.

It's still scenery which you can never get in Singapore.
But again, after so much road trips, these sceneries fail to excite anymore.
Then there was a certain part of the road whereby there was no speed limit.
Went up to 100miles/hr, which is around 160km/hr

Could have gone faster, but the road was bendy so abit unsafe to go even faster.
Stopped midway to take photos.

If you look closely enough, you can see the moon above the cross.

Another of our pitstops. A dry patch of land.

Again. never thought that I would ever get to see such dry land in my life. But I did, and its pretty cool.
Topping up fuel at a very country-like town.

It was like one of those cowboy towns. Quite ulu.
Then as we continued to drive, the sun set.
And we all know what that means.
Total darkness and dipping temperatures.
Even in total darkness, we made one last pitstop at Badwater.
It's again, a scenic place, but thing is, you can't see anything at night.
However, it was still highly memorable.
The place was surrounded by mountains, and it was soooooo silent.
It felt so surreal, like the mountains were part of a movie set and wasnt actually real.

Attempt to capture the moment.
However, photographs can never truly reflect the moment.
It was actually complete darkness, with only the moonlight.
And the sky was littered with many many MANY twinkling stars.

Fyi, Badwater is actually 856m below sea level.
And the darkness in the background is the actual darkness experienced.
In a ntushell, it was just a very beautiful and silent moment.
No words or pictures can ever convey what we saw. It's meant to be experienced first-hand.
Anw, so after that, we had to continue driving!

Roads are really dark, with minimal lighting.
Really have to admit that yx is a great driver.
Finally reached our destination!
Haunted hotel. Ok, its SUPPOSEDLY rumoured to be haunted.

In the dark, everything looks haunted. Anw the hotel is super old-school and minimalist. Looks like its family-run. No TV in the room, and the water running from the taps were spring water. Which means its very alkaline and soapy. Totally cant tell whether you washed the soap off your body or not.
Lastly, a well-deserved dinner. Giant portions as usual.
Starting to get used to the idea of eating salads.

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