Monday, January 10, 2011

10 Jan- School begins..

First day of school! Only had one lesson.
Reasons USC sucks:
Photocopying and printing are very expensive over here. One piece 10cents. Cheapest rate we could find was 7cents a page. SG, its like 3cents a pg. Notice the vast difference?? So, very simple, just dont print. Pen and paper shall rule.
Textbooks are also very expensive. Each book is over 100USD. And photocopying is so expensive that photocopying the whole book isnt much cheaper. So we are going to work round this cost by sharing textbooks. Luckily everyone is in the same building now. And its not like we're aiming for As so wtv man, share the book, save the $$, and travel around more. Books arent a necessity. Textbook bill alone can run up to thousand plus for some students, from what we overheard.
Lecturers here treat students like lil kids. Laptops not allowed. Attendance is taken every lesson. Lots of assignments and quizzes are given to ensure students actually do their work and study. Back to Secondary school style! Bottom line is, the lecturers just dont trust the students.

With every bad side, there are good sides.
There are so many Asians at USC that I fit in just fine in a classroom (as long as I dont open my mouth). In fact, its the blondes who stand out. USC is one big super melting pot for sure. A melting pot with a strong Asian flavour.
Even the lecturers themselves are so diverse. Greek, Italian, New Zealander, all the different accents.
Campus is quite pretty, lots of maple leaves and sculptures. Funny that we havent actually taken any photoa of the campus yet hm... Should do it soon.

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