Sunday, January 30, 2011

Arghzzxzxzxzxz the Screen Actors Guild Awards was held around USC today.
Like just now, like really near USC.
Wait a min, it was held IN USC itself.
And I didnt hang out around there, cos I was expecting security to be super tight, and that I wouldnt get a glimpse of any celebrities.
Turns out I was wrong!!!!!
Could have stood across the street and seen the cars and limos pulling up.
Could have seen the celebrities alighting, some of whom bothered to wave.
Could have seen Nicole Kidman, Christian Bale, Eva Longoria, Kim Kardashian, and the list goes on...
And I keep saying 'could have', because I didnt go. DAMNNNNNN wrong choice!!! Fuck me and my 'common sense'
Just so jealous of elita right now.
I mean, waiting in the cold to catch glimpses of celebrities, is so much more rewarding than waiting in the cold to ski.
Give me celebrities any day.
But all is not lost.
Know whats coming up in Feb??
Yes, The Oscars thats what!
And Im not gonna let history repeat itself.

Speaking of clebrities, we sorta saw 'Paris Hilton' today.
Driving driving driving, in the rain.
Suddenly there was an area on the street with many raincoat-ed ppl and film cameras.
Managed to peek inside to see SOMEBODY.
Ok, yx said it was Paris, Im not that sure but wtv.
It was a celebrity!
Hope i get to see less skanky ones next time!!

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