Thursday, January 6, 2011

6 Jan- Move-in day

Finally got to move into my apartment. The place where I'll have to stay for the next 5months.
It was a relief, cos we were getting sick of travelling all around with our luggage.
Was expecting to see housemates but they were all out.

Living room

Corridor. You'll notice the vent at the right side, thats the heater. It's very good at heating up, however, it only heats up that area -.-
The heat doesn't spread to other parts of the house.

Messy room that greeted me. Everything you see here belongs to the roomie.

Well, she recently explained that it was cos she threw a NYE party, so ok, understandable!

Walk-in closet

Anw, after putting all our stuff down, we went off to Target to shop for necessities like pillows and stuff. I wouldn't say its frigging cheap, but its sort of the cheapest already.
So I plan to keep my room very minimalist and basic. It's just a place for me to sleep.

Dinner at Denny's, Fish N Chips.

Not that its very yummy or what, but the portion was super huge.
Those American portions are the reason why I can easily survive on 2 meals a day.

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